Hi! I’m Riley.

When I was fifteen I decided I wanted to be a musician, poet, and essentially Keith Richards. I then proceeded to try and live my life out in that fashion for approximately the next decade.

Along the way some other things happened. Like winning the CA State championships in mountain biking (because in Northern California why wouldn’t every high school have a mt. bike racing team?). And making my Hollywood debut in such blistering roles as restaurant patron and office worker #7 (unaccredited). See my IMDB.

As time has passed, years of bar gigs, working as a butcher by day, and somehow having a stint in tech have formed my hands and ears. While studying words over the last few has even further rewired my brain. 

Now I’m a copywriter at RPA. I still play guitar every day though, and if you ever need help fileting a bluefin tuna or just coming up with some sick headlines, I’ve got you.



